After two years of working every weekend in good weather. . . .

It's Time to Raise the Barn
Day One, Part 2

Finishing Mid-Morning Coffee Break!

Manually Carrying the Last Wall into Place
Aligning the Wall
Lifting the Wall
Watch how quickly the sky changes throughout the day!

Another Goes in Place


Ladies and Gentlemen Enjoying Lunch in the Inn

Everything Fits Just Right Then Beam Will Settled in Place
    New Beam for North West Corner
Many days there were only 4 -6 men working but they gave their all to see the barn standing again.  Led by Rick Helwig they learned to make beams from old beams and new beams to replace ones that were damaged.  Like a jigsaw puzzle they reassembled the walls on the ground so they were ready for this big day. 
There is more to come.
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