Membership Dues

$20.00 - $1,000.00

Buy now


Big Walnut Area Historical Society membership is open to anyone who pays their annual dues to the Society.
Print the following form and mail it with your check to Big Walnut Area Historical Society



Phone:  (          )_______-___________




P.O. Box or Apt.# __________________







Email Address

Mail to: Big Walnut Area Historical Society, Box 362, Sunbury, Ohio 43074 

    Membership Dues      PAY ONLINE     

Individual Membership     $20

Meetings are being held
 usually at 7:30 p.m.
on the second Tuesday
 of each month- not December
in Myers Inn on the corner of Granville and Columbus Streets
facing Sunbury Square

Family Membership     $35
Business Membership-
     10 or fewer employees
Business Membership-
11 to 99 employees
Business Membership-
100 or more employees
Contributing Membership     $75
Patron Membership   $100
Silver Patron Membership   $500
Gold Patron Membership $1000

Officers and Trustees of 
Big Walnut Area Historical Society 2023




Rick Helwig

- President for 2023


- Vice President for 2023

Porter "Chip" Welch

- Secretary for 2023

Bill Kavage

- Treasurer for 2023

Polly Horn

- Museum Curator, Webmaster


Brad Orndorf (2023)
Chad Neeper (2023)
Dave  Martin (2023)
Mel Meyers (2023)

Alice Lachler (2024)Damon Bower (2025)
Roger Roberts (2025)

Suzanne Allen, Emeritus
Carol Wood, Emeritus


Trustees meet at 6 p.m. the 2nd Tuesday monthly


By-Laws of Big Walnut Area Historical Society,
October 9, 2018

