Remember Stopping at the Corner Store for a Pick-Me-Up. . . .
Do you recognize these stores? 

Big Walnut Area Historical Society is presenting Brent Carson at the monthly meeting at 7:30 Tuesday, April 12th, in the Myers Inn Museum Meeting Room to tell about the Grocery Stores throughout the county. Carson is a native od Delaware and the backbone in the Delaware County Historical Society.

Last summer, Brent explored the county looking for stories about the many little stores.  Photos were used for display at the Delaware County Fair last summer.  These stores were the center for the communities as well as a place to pick up items between trips to larger stores in the bigger towns.  There was usually a pair playing checkers near the stove who knew who was doing what and passed it on to the other customers.

There was a time when the country roads were safe for children to ride bicycles and spend the day exploring the expanded community.  We worked hard to get our chores done so we could go on our little adventures  At least once every other week, as a young teen, I would ride to a friend's house and we would take off for an adventure.  We would ride to north Condit for another friend and stop in the store for a candy bar.  On to south Condit for a pop.  If we were really in for an adventure we went to Crowl's in Olive Green for ice cream.  The day was ours as long as we were home when the 5 p.m. Nestles whistle blew.

Pictured above are Lane's Store in North Condit, Hick's Store in Condit Station with huckster's wagon ready for deliveries, and the Bricker Store in Galena.

Bring your memories to the Myers Inn and see what you missed if you did ot grown up in t his magical time. BWAHS programs are admission free.

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